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Visualizing Infectious Disease

The Council on Foreign Relations has published an interactive map of the prevalence of the world’s preventable infectious diseases. The data are also downloadable for analysis.

Screen Shot of the Council on Foreign Relations World Map of the Prevalence of Infectious Diseases

Preventable Infectious Diseases

Focusing on one disease at at time allows the user to look at public health successes and setbacks. For example, looking at polio demonstrates why international public health officials were worried after 2009, when only 13 cases in Kenya skyrocketed to hundreds in two continents by 2010. Efforts to eliminate the disease have led to fewer cases but in a wider geographic spread.

Failures of public health efforts in North America to keep measles out of the population are demonstrated in the map. In 2008, there were no cases. In 2013, there were 375.

[via Gizmodo via CFR via LA Times via Verge]

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